Hi everyone!
Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your time at home.
As it looks like we will be out of school for another while, I have compiled a list of activities that you may like to work on at home over the next 2 weeks.
You can access this in the First Class Drive with the following link:
Open the document Learn at Home 1. Please do not be overwhelmed by the length of this document, I just wanted to explain things to make it a little bit easier for you at home.
Also, don’t feel under pressure to do everything that I have listed, it’s just a guide and you can adapt it to suit your own routine.
If you have any problems or you’d like to forward any work you’ve done at home, you can reach me by email at learnathome@stjosephsgns.ie just remember to put my name in the subject box.
Stay safe and hopefully I will see you all soon! – Ms. Bell